Art. 6 - Quanto è difficile vivere la propria sessualità nella società occidentale moderna

Art. 6 - How difficult it is to live your sexuality in modern Western society

How difficult it is to live your sexuality in modern Western society

   The difficulty of living one's sexuality in modern Western society can vary greatly from person to person and from context to context. There are multiple factors that can influence this experience, including cultural , social, religious, economic, and personal factors.

   For some people, experiencing their sexuality can be relatively easy and liberating, especially in more progressive and tolerant contexts. However, for other people, there may be significant challenges related to discrimination, lack of social acceptance , family pressure, restrictive cultural norms, or lack of access to resources and information about sexuality.

     LGBTQ+ people in particular (for those unfamiliar with the acronym: lesbian, gay, bisexual , transgender, queer ) can face a number of challenges in modern Western society, including discrimination , prejudice and lack of legal recognition of their rights .
Women may also face obstacles in experiencing their sexuality , including sexual double standards and social pressure to conform to certain gender roles.

    Women without sentimental ties who want to freely live their sexuality with the people they are attracted to, as a man rightly would, are always indicated and judged as no good if not as prostitutes . But if a man wants to have an occasional relationship for the satisfaction of having it with a particular woman, on the other hand there must also be a woman with the same desire and who must not be judged , instead often even by the same man with whom he is was.

    In general, the degree of difficulty in living one's sexuality depends on the culture , community and individual situation of each person. Then in Italy we have the church which excels in terms of hypocrisy, you just need to see how they dress to understand the characters. The clergy speaks badly of other people's sex but since ancient times it has been the creator of sexual scandals so serious that they surpass those of the underworld: if we consider that when women who had had sexual relations with men of the clergy declared it openly, to be proven wrong they were burned like witches after atrocious tortures where, in the end, they declared themselves witches.
Sorry, let's not forget about all the rapes of minors still in vogue today among the parish priests of churches around the world.
May God 's mercy be with us.

However, there is growing awareness and activism around sexual and reproductive rights that is helping to challenge restrictive norms and promote greater acceptance and tolerance of sexual diversity .


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