Personal Data processed for the following purposes and using the following services:

    • Access to accounts on third-party services

      • Login to your Facebook account

        Permissions: 'About me' from friends; Access to friends lists

      • Access to YouTube account

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

    • Data Link

      • Zapier

        Personal Data: Postcode; city; surname; Usage data; e-mail; first name; username

    • Content commentary

      • Facebook Comments

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

    • Contact the user

      • Contact via telephone

        Personal Data: telephone number

      • Mailing list or newsletter

        Personal Data: Postcode; city; surname; date of birth; Usage data; e-mail; physical address; first name; telephone number; province; business name; website

      • Contact form

        Personal Data: Postcode; city; Tax ID code; surname; date of birth; e-mail; User ID; physical address; nation; first name; telephone number; VAT number; profession; province; business name; sex; website; various types of Data

    • Social features

      • Invite and suggest friends

        Personal Data: various types of Data

      • Public profile

        Personal Data: city; surname; e-mail; first name; telephone number; geographic location; province; sex; username

    • Managing contacts and sending messages

      • Constant Contact

        Personal Data: surname; date of birth; Usage data; e-mail; physical address; nation; first name; telephone number; sex; Tracking Tool; username

      • Mailchimp

        Personal Data: surname; date of birth; Usage data; e-mail; physical address; nation; first name; telephone number; business name; sex

      • OneSignal

        Personal Data: Usage Data; e-mail; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example); tongue; geographic location; Tracking Tool; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • SendinBlue Email

        Personal Data: Usage Data; e-mail; Tracking Tool

      • SendinBlue SMS

        Personal Data: Usage Data; telephone number; Tracking Tool

    • User database management

      • ActiveCampaign

        Personal Data: email; Tracking Tool; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • SendinBlue Marketing Automation

        Personal Data: Usage Data; e-mail; Tracking Tool

    • Payment management

      • Google Pay

        Personal Data: surname; purchase history; Usage data; e-mail; billing address; payment information; first name; telephone number; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • Payments processed via Google Play Store

        Personal Data: surname; purchase history; Usage data; e-mail; billing address; payment information; device information; first name; telephone number; Tracking Tool

      • Payment by bank transfer

        Personal Data: surname; physical address; payment information; first name; business name

      • PayPal

        Personal Data: surname; purchase history; Usage data; e-mail; billing address; payment information; device information; first name; telephone number; password; Tracking Tool; username; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • PayPal Payments Hub

        Personal Data: surname; purchase history; Usage data; e-mail; billing address; payment information; device information; first name; telephone number; password

    • Tag management

      • Segment

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

    • Management of data collection and online surveys

      • Data collected through self-managed online forms

        Personal Data: social media accounts; city; date of birth; billing address; physical address; payment information; nation; first name; telephone number; answers to questions; sex; Tracking Tool

      • Facebook lead acquisition ads

        Personal Data: Postcode; city; surname; date of birth; Data communicated during use of the service; Usage data; e-mail; physical address; nation; first name; telephone number; profession; business name; sex; Tracking Tool

    • Hosting and backend infrastructure

      • ArubaCloud

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Interaction with live chat platforms

      • ActiveCampaign site messages

        Personal Data: Data communicated while using the service; Usage data; e-mail; Tracking Tool

      • Facebook Messenger Customer Chat, LiveChat Widget and My LiveChat Widget

        Personal Data: Data communicated while using the service; Usage data; Tracking Tool

    • Interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties

      • ActiveCampaign widget

        Personal Data: surname; Usage data; e-mail; physical address; first name; telephone number; password; profession; business name; sex; username; various types of Data

      • Mailchimp widgets

        Personal Data: surname; Usage data; e-mail; first name; telephone number; Tracking Tool

    • Interaction with social networks and external platforms

      • Google Friend Connect, PayPal Button and Widgets and Facebook Like Button and Social Widgets

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • YouTube social button and widgets

        Personal Data: Usage Data

    • Location-based interactions

      • Geolocation

        Personal Data: geographical location

    • Infrastructure monitoring

      • Bugsnag

        Personal Data: surname; date of birth; e-mail; physical address; device information; device logs; first name; telephone number; sex; username; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Permissions for access to Personal Data present on the User's device

      • Permissions for access to Personal Data present on the User's device

        Personal Data: Social Media Account Permission; Google Assistant permission; Contact Permission; SMS permission; Telephone Permission

    • SPAM protection

      • Google reCAPTCHA

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • hCaptcha

        Personal Data: Data communicated in order to use the Service; Usage data; mouse movements; answers to questions

    • Advertising

      • Shopalyst, Contact Impact, Cookie Market, Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, 1plusX, Notify and Solocal

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • Direct Email Marketing (DEM)

        Personal Data: surname; e-mail; first name

      • Direct marketing via SMS

        Personal Data: surname; first name; telephone number

      • Facebook Audience Network

        Personal Data: Usage Data; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example); Tracking Tool

      • Direct advertising (direct marketing)

        Personal Data: Usage Data; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example); device information; Tracking Tool

    • Registration and authentication

      • Instagram Authentication

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Registration and authentication provided directly by this Application

      • Direct registration

        Personal Data: Postcode; city; Tax ID code; surname; date of birth; Usage data; e-mail; User ID; billing address; first name; telephone number; VAT number; password; business name; username

    • Remarketing and behavioral targeting

      • Facebook Remarketing, Google Signals, Remarketing with Google Analytics, Google Ads Remarketing and Google Ad Manager Audience Extension

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • Facebook Custom Audiences

        Personal Data: email; Tracking Tool

      • TikTok Remarketing

        Personal Data: Usage Data

    • Platform and hosting services

      • Shopify

        Personal Data: surname; Usage data; e-mail; billing address; shipping address; payment information; device information; first name; telephone number; Tracking Tool


        Personal Data: surname; Data communicated during use of the service; Usage data; e-mail; payment information; device information; first name; telephone number; Tracking Tool

      • Google Play Store

        Personal Data: Usage Data

    • Statistics

      • User ID extension for Google Analytics

        Personal Data: Tracking Tool

      • Google Analytics, Google Ads conversion tracking, Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) and statistics collected directly

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • TikTok Conversion Tracking

        Personal Data: Usage Data; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA identifier, for example); device information

    • Performance testing of content and functionality (A/B testing)

      • Google Optimize

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

    • Viewing content from external platforms

      • Google Site Search, Vimeo Video, Google Maps Widget, Spotify Widget, YouTube Video Widget and Instagram Widget

        Personal Data: Usage Data; Tracking Tool

      • YouTube Video Widget without cookies

        Personal Data: Usage Data

Learn how to opt out of interest-based advertising

In addition to any opt-out feature provided by any of the services listed in this document, Users can read more about how to opt out of interest-based advertising in the appropriate section of the Cookie Policy.

Further information on the processing of Personal Data

    • Push notifications for direct marketing

      This Application may send push notifications to the User for direct marketing purposes (in order to offer services and products provided by third parties or not related to the service or product provided by this Application).

      In most cases, Users can choose not to receive push notifications by consulting their device settings, such as notification settings for mobile phones, and then changing those settings for this Application, or for all applications on the device in question.

      Users should be aware that disabling push notifications may negatively impact the use of this Application.

      In addition to the applicable device settings, the User can also take advantage of the rights described in the relevant section of this privacy policy.

    • Push notifications

      This Application may send push notifications to the User to achieve the purposes described in this privacy policy.

      In most cases, Users can choose not to receive push notifications by consulting their device settings, such as notification settings for mobile phones, and then changing those settings for this Application, for some or all of the applications on the device in question.
      Users should be aware that disabling push notifications may negatively impact the use of this Application.

    • Sale of goods and services online

      The Personal Data collected is used for the provision of services to the User or for the sale of products, including payment and possible delivery. The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may be those relating to the credit card, the current account used for the bank transfer or other payment instruments provided. The Payment Data collected by this Application depends on the payment system used.

    • Analysis of User Data and forecasts (“profiling”)

      The Owner may process the usage data collected through this Application to create or update user profiles. This type of processing allows the Owner to evaluate the User's choices, preferences and behavior for the purposes specified in the respective sections of this document.
      User profiles can also be created thanks to automated tools, such as algorithms, which can also be offered by third parties. To obtain further information on profiling activity, the User can refer to the respective sections of this document.
      The User has the right to object to such profiling activity at any time. To find out more about your rights and how to exercise them, you can refer to the section of this document relating to User rights.

    • iubenda cookie for CCPA (usprivacy)

      The iubenda CCPA (usprivacy) Cookie is installed by the iubenda Cookie Solution and stores California consumers' opt-out choices in the local domain.

    • Preference cookies

      Preference cookie stores the User's preferences detected on this Application, such as their time zone and region, in the local domain.

    • Cookie Solution by iubenda (Cookie for remote consent)

      The iubenda Cookie for remote consent (_iub_cs-X) is installed by the iubenda Cookie Solution and stores the User's preferences relating to Tracking Tools in the domain.

    • Cookie Solution by iubenda (Cookie for consent)

      The iubenda Consent Cookie (_iub_cs-X) is installed by the iubenda Cookie Solution and stores the User's preferences relating to Tracking Tools in the local domain.

    • Personal Data collected through sources other than the User

      The Owner of this Application may have legitimately collected Personal Data relating to the User without his involvement, drawing on sources provided by third parties, in accordance with the legal bases described in the section relating to the legal bases of processing.
      If the Owner has collected Personal Data in this way, the User can find specific information regarding the sources in the respective sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.

    • User identification via universally unique identifier (UUID)

      This Application can track Users by saving the so-called “universally unique identifier” (UUID) for statistical analysis purposes or to store User preferences. This identifier is generated with the installation of this Application, it is not deleted when the Application is closed or updated but is permanently removed only if the User decides to uninstall the Application from their device. If the application is reinstalled a new UUID is generated.

    • Unique device identification

      This Application can track Users by saving a unique identification code of their device, for statistical purposes or to store User preferences.

    • localStorage

      localStorage allows this Application to store and access data directly from the User's browser without an expiration date.

    • Push notifications based on the User's geographic location

      This Application may use the User's geographic location to send push notifications in order to achieve the purposes described in this privacy policy.

      In most cases, Users can choose not to receive push notifications by consulting their device settings, such as notification settings for mobile phones, and then changing those settings for some or all of the applications on the device in question.

      Users should be aware that disabling push notifications may negatively impact the use of this Application.

contact info

    • Data Controller


      Owner's email address:

Modulo di contatto