Art. 5 - Seduzione

Art. 5 - Seduction


   Yes, seduction is important in a relationship for both partners, not just women. Seduction can help keep passion and intimacy alive, strengthening the emotional and physical bond between partners .

However, it is essential to consider that seduction should not be seen as a solely female task.
Both partners can and should help keep the attraction alive in the relationship.

   Seduction can take different forms for each couple and depends on the individual preferences of the partners. This could include romantic gestures, sincere compliments , moments of intimacy , pleasant surprises, or simply caring for each other. We must take into consideration that the man is more "violent" in the sexual relationship than the woman who is more sentimental... but instinctively that male strength in the relationship, the woman, desires it and if it is missing she feels it. We should give ourselves by satisfying each other, perhaps once exaggerating with sentimentality and once making the relationship more instinctive and animalistic .

It's important to communicate openly about each other's desires and expectations to ensure that both partners feel loved, wanted , and appreciated in the relationship .

   It is clear that today it is very difficult to concentrate on the couple because the external agents are multiple and are overbearing , pressing. Sex is the most used tool in advertising to attract the viewer's eyes and therefore above all the man is always stimulated by external attractions which forcefully shifts his gaze away from his woman.
I'm not blaming the whole world for our actions and decisions but this is the reality we live in and what a man subjected to constant pressure has to endure only he can know and he alone must decide how to deal with his desires and attractions.


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